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Alpha 2502N "Smart" 5 way switch
An Alpha 2502N Smart Switch
Prices From: £10.50 Inc VAT



Description Technical Specs Wiring / Instructions / Customisation
This is the switch that turns up with some regularity in Ibanez HH guitars - and gives that very distinctive switching system.

Setup up to specifically run as follows.
5. Bridge Humbucker in Series
4. North coils (only) from both humbuckers in Parallel
3. Both humbuckers (each in series with itself) wired in Parallel
2. Neck Humbucker in Parallel
1. Neck Humbucker in Series

This switch will only work with humbuckers, and those humbuckers must have 4 core conductors.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Wilkinson HH October 18, 2024
Reviewer: Tamsin McCormick from Liverpool , Merseyside .United Kingdom  
Wiring for HH from the top down Red, green, Black white . Then follow the wiring as per the diagram provided
The outputs should read similar to :- neck 6
8 kohms 2nd position 1.9 kohms middle 4.5 kohms 4th 3.5 kohms bridge 14.1
My readings were very close these !

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