Pickguard - Suitable For 5 String Jazz® Bass
5 string Jazz® Bass is a bit of a weird guitar truth be known, because 5
string versions can potentially turn up in all of the variations that a
4 string can - so you see some variation here, but, for the most part,
nowadays, they stick pretty closely to the "standard" spec - and,
weirdly, the external dimensions are pretty much the same with 4 and 5
string - its only really the neck and pickup routing that differs
(obviously, they're larger to account for that extra low string)
Please note, these are not official Fender® parts.
Prices From: £19.79 Inc VAT
Pickguard - Suitable For America Deluxe Jazz® Bass (1995-2009)
The American Deluxe series is, honestly? a bit of a weird one - looking
at the guitars in isolation, they dont look all that different to a
normal Jazz® bass, but side by side - the body on the AM Deluxe is much
smaller, as is the pickguard - but everything else is the same - so the
pickups and control plates have a slightly odd "oversized" look to them.
Please note, these are not official Fender® parts.
Prices From: £18.54 Inc VAT
Pickguard - Suitable For 1974-1981 Jazz® Bass
Now with this plate, i'm on slightly firmer ground as to what it
fits thankfully - unlike the current crop of Jazz® bass plates - in the
seventies, it was pretty clear cut thankfully - and that period of guard
was actually near identical to the previous style, but with the
inclusion of the thumb rest screws as standard on the plate - right on
that top edge, 2 screw holes without the counter sinks - thats the give
away! thumb rest!
Please note, these are not official Fender® parts.
Prices From: £18.54 Inc VAT
Pickguard - Suitable For AM Standard Jazz® Bass
Now, officially, this plate is for an AM Standard - but, honestly? Its
probably turned up on plenty of other models over the years, so i'd be
fairly confident in saying this is the "standard" Jazz® bass pickguard
personally (but, as always - check the spec diagrams to be certain!)
Please note, these are not official Fender® parts.
Prices From: £18.54 Inc VAT
Grounding Plate - Suitable For Precision® Bass
This is an Aluminium grounding plate for the Fender® Precision® Bass - designed to sit between the body and the pickguard.
acts as a fail safe (or complete replacement) for the grounding wires
between the pots and jack socket, and it also, potentially, acts as a
very effective shield against external interference.
Please note, these are not official Fender® parts.
Prices From: £15.41 Inc VAT
64 in stock!
Bass Control Plate - 3 Hole
The “3 hole” version of the bass control plate appeared at the very birth of the instrument in 1960, and ran through all of 61 and into the early part of 1962. Conversely, most of the ’62 re-issues sport this style of plate, whilst the majority of the originals seem to come with the “4 hole” version.
Prices From: £14.84 Inc VAT
23 in stock!
Pickguard Sheet
A basic, 3 ply blank pickguard sheet, available in a section of colours.
Prices From: £14.40 Inc VAT
Bass Control Plate - 4 Hole
Following on from the "3 Hole" version, the "4 hole" version became the standard part used on basses from 1962 until the modern era.
Prices From: £14.00 Inc VAT
"Large" Bass Bridge Cover
A Large bass bridge pickup cover – Released with the original as a companion part to the metal “over string” pickup cover.
Prices From: £13.85 Inc VAT
4 in stock!
"Small" Bass Bridge Cover
A "Small" bass bridge cover – matching up to the style used on models made after 1958
Prices From: £12.62 Inc VAT
4 in stock!
"Over string" Bass Pickup Cover
An Over String bass metal pickup cover, this Pickup cover actually sits above the pickup and the strings.
Prices From: £9.00 Inc VAT
16 in stock!
Bass Thumb Rest
The original Thumb rest or “tug bar” was used on basses as early as 1951, and is actually detailed on the early patent sketches just below the stings.
Prices From: £4.00 Inc VAT
105 in stock!
20 x Pickguard Screws - #4x1/2” Phillips Oval Head
These are our basic “accessory mounting screws” that we use on everything from scratch plates right through to jack sockets. For simplicities sake, we just call them pickguard screws, but they really do a multitude of jobs on a guitar.
Prices From: £2.80 Inc VAT